Potential user - maintenance question

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Potential user - maintenance question

Post by ThreePea » Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:21 pm

We have been evaluating Vault for a long time and are just about ready to make a large purchase (for us, anyways :shock: ). I've studied all the license costs and am now determining if and when we should purchase corresponding maintenance plans. The page describing the maintenance plan (http://www.sourcegear.com/misc/maintenance.html), has the following statement:

May be purchased only for licenses which are already current

I am unclear on what exactly is meant by "current." How long does a license last, and exactly how much time elapses before I am unable to purchase a maintenance plan after I buy the license?

Thank you for your time.
Jerry Foster
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Post by Beth » Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:10 pm

Current means the most recent version. You can't buy maintenance for a
3.x license until you upgrade to 4.x, then you can purchase. If you get behind, then just contact our sales people for assistance. They can be reached at sgstore at sourcegear.com or our main number.

A license never expires, so you could theoretically stay on the same version forever barring any hardware or OS change or such things that are unsupported.

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