He is running Windows 2000 Professional and receiving the following error each time he tries to connect:
Code: Select all
Unable to connect to http://<our vault server>/VaultService. No server was found at the specified URL. Please verify your network settings using the Options dialog under the Tools menu in the Vault GUI Client. Web Exception: The operation has timed-out.
The vault logs do not show any activity originating from his machine, and I enabled client-side logging which shows the following:
Code: Select all
8/13/2007 11:40:04 AM <busy>: [GUIClientWorkerThread:732] Setting GUI to busy.
8/13/2007 11:40:17 AM <connection>: [GUIClientWorkerThread:732] Login started.
8/13/2007 11:40:17 AM <statussearch>: [Main:1200] Connection state changed from Unconnected to Connecting
8/13/2007 11:40:17 AM <emailview>: [Main:1200] Connection state changed from Unconnected to Connecting
8/13/2007 11:43:17 AM <statussearch>: [Main:1200] Connection state changed from Connecting to Disconnecting
8/13/2007 11:43:17 AM <emailview>: [Main:1200] Connection state changed from Connecting to Disconnecting
8/13/2007 11:43:17 AM <connection>: [GUIClientWorkerThread:732] Logout started.
8/13/2007 11:43:22 AM <connection>: [GUIClientWorkerThread:732] Logout finished.
8/13/2007 11:43:22 AM <statussearch>: [Main:1200] Active repository changed to
8/13/2007 11:43:22 AM <emailview>: [Main:1200] Active repository changed to
8/13/2007 11:43:22 AM <statussearch>: [Main:1200] Connection state changed from Disconnecting to Unconnected
8/13/2007 11:43:22 AM <emailview>: [Main:1200] Connection state changed from Disconnecting to Unconnected
8/13/2007 11:43:22 AM <busy>: [GUIClientWorkerThread:732] Setting GUI to unbusy.
8/13/2007 11:43:28 AM <busy>: [GUIClientWorkerThread:732] Setting GUI to busy.
8/13/2007 11:43:31 AM <busy>: [GUIClientWorkerThread:732] Setting GUI to unbusy.
8/13/2007 11:43:31 AM <statussearch>: [GUIClientWorkerThread:732] StatusSearchScan run with DONTSEARCH. Reporting empty search results.
I verified our license, which allows 5 users total and the new developer only puts us at 4.
Is there anything special I need to do with a Windows 2000 Professional client besides installing the 1.1 Framework?