I've created a web site in Visual Studio (HTTP not Filesystem)
After that when I right click on the web site (http://localhost/) in the solution explorer and select the option "Add Solution to Vault" I get the "Connect To Server" dialog where I enter my Login information.
After pressing ok in that dialog i get to choose repository, clicking ok in that one.
I get the error message in a dialog (Sourcegear Vault Error)
An Error has occured. The error message is:
Length cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: length
This problem does not occur when I try the same thing creating a FileSystem based solution.
Another thing that strikes me is how do I open a HTTP solution in Visual Studio with vault, as it only allows me to open up *.sln, *.vbproj files etc.
AFAIK HTTP solutions does not have project files or solution files.
Error message when adding a HTTP solution to Vault 4.0
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