SourceOffsite Issues continued (with a little more detail)

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SourceOffsite Issues continued (with a little more detail)

Post by seiadmin » Tue May 29, 2007 4:04 pm

This is a continue from my earlier post today as I have found out a little more abou the behaviour.

SourceOffsite 4.2
VSS 6.0D (dll reg fix applied)
Project Files located on another server (access is fine)

I have 2 projects on this server that is access by sourceoffsite

1 project works fine no issues

the other project I can connect to, I can see the project folder tree, I can see files in the folders in the tree check out, history etc, this is all being done from within SOS client.

about halfway down I have about 6 folders in the tree one of them containing the solution file that I can not see any files on the client its states no project files exist, on the SOS server it generates the error "File or Project not found (8004d68F) If I continue down the tree eventually about 10 folders down when I click past these folders I again am able to see files and get no errors, I ran analysis on this project twice and any errors were fixed and its clean but still its happening on these 10 folders within this project.

My earlier post was a error someone was getting when opening in visual studio

any help on why I cannot see any files only on 10 folders in the project trre but I am able to see all the rest of the folders?

I have gone through and done any actions suggested by support (analysis, dll check etc)

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Post by Beth » Tue May 29, 2007 4:12 pm

First, can you provide a link to that other post? I'm not finding it.

Next, have you tried clearing your client-side cache? You should find it in C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\SourceGear\SOS on the SOS Client machine. Delete the database files that end in .sos, and SOS will rebuild them.

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