I just thought I'd share it with you, could help out some other vault users.
The unix ports and blat are easy to be found on the net (read their policies for use), and work a bit friendlier than their dos counterparts.
Code: Select all
@echo off
"C:\Program Files\unix_ports\grep" "FailExistingDownload" "C:\WINDOWS\Temp\sgvault\sgvault.log" > sgvaultlogwarning.txt
if errorlevel 1 goto no_errors
"C:\Program Files\blat\blat.exe" sgvaultlogwarning.txt -to some1@somewhere.com,some2@somewhere.com
"C:\Program Files\Sleep\SLEEP.EXE" 3600 > nul
"C:\Program Files\Sleep\SLEEP.EXE" 30 > nul
goto loop