I'd like to see support added for other languages. Specifically German, Spanish and Portugese.
Also, have there been any problems with vault when running on a system configured for non-english languages. Like the above and Chinese and Korean.
It looks like we will have users throughout the world and I just wanted to check on the possibility of using native languauges.
Enhancement request for multiple languages
Moderator: SourceGear
Vault will upload any file for the most part regardless of the language.
Will you be needing to perform any imports from VSS? Currently the import tool works only with the English language ssapi.dll.
We do currently have users who run Vault in non-English environments, but we haven't tested here in non-English environments. The best way to find out is to download and install, we can provide a demo license for the number you want, and if anything happens to contact tech support or post to the forum.
I will add a feature request for some support for non-English environments.
Will you be needing to perform any imports from VSS? Currently the import tool works only with the English language ssapi.dll.
We do currently have users who run Vault in non-English environments, but we haven't tested here in non-English environments. The best way to find out is to download and install, we can provide a demo license for the number you want, and if anything happens to contact tech support or post to the forum.
I will add a feature request for some support for non-English environments.
Maybe this will make Eric feel better about his intuition about localization.