Vault Client execution problem after upgrading to

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Vault Client execution problem after upgrading to

Post by gdnuser » Tue Jun 13, 2006 3:27 pm

Yesterday I upgraded my Vault server from to on a Windows 2003 Server. I was logged in as Administrator, used the same choices as the previous upgrade, used the system account, used SA for SQL2000 DB. I did not get any errors. I tested access from the new client and admin applications on the server and I tested access from a remote PC upgraded to the new client, everything worked fine.

Today I found a problem and I cannot find a solution to it in the forum. When I log onto the server with a user other than the true Administrator, but one that is in the Administrator group, it can run the Vault Admin tool just fine, but cannot run the Vault client application. The error I get is "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed."

Searching for this error on the net, I see that it usually has something to do with the installation not completing fully. There is also a hotfix from MS for the Windows Installer 3.0 with this same error but it only applies to XP with SP2. I don't think my installation is incomplete, if it was, it shouldn't work for the true Administator account either. I tested this again and it still works fine.

I figured that something went wrong with the client install, but no error message was posted, so I thought I would reinstall the client on the server. When I try to run the VaultClient_3_1_9.msi file (logged in as Administrator) to reinstall I get a different error: "The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation." Believe me I didn't do this. Searching for this error on the net I find hits saying that a registry key at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer called DisableMSI can cause this error message if it is set to a restricted setting. I don't have this key at all. When the key does not exist, this is the default behavior: "On Windows Server 2003 family, if the policy value is Null, absent, or any number other than 1 or 2, the Windows Installer is enabled for managed applications. Unmanaged application installs are blocked."

I don't think your client is an unmanaged application but for some reason the server thinks it is, or something else is wrong.

I plan to uninstall then reinstall the client to see if this resolves the issue but I wanted to put this issue in the forum to see if you have any advice for this problem first. I don't want to make things worse.


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Post by lbauer » Wed Jun 14, 2006 1:53 pm

When I log onto the server with a user other than the true Administrator, but one that is in the Administrator group, it can run the Vault Admin tool just fine, but cannot run the Vault client application. The error I get is "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed."
Are you getting this error when using a Vault GUI Client on the server machine itself, or is the Vault client on a remote machine?

When I try to run the VaultClient_3_1_9.msi file (logged in as Administrator) to reinstall I get a different error: "The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation."
There is an option in the Vault Server installer to also install the Vault Admin Tool and Vault GUI Client. If the Vault Client has already been installed as part of the Server install, you'll get this warning.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:57 pm

Post by gdnuser » Wed Jun 14, 2006 2:53 pm


The client error "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed." only happens when I run the client on the server with a user other than Administrator.

Here are the senarios:
1) Running on server using Administrator: GUI client and GUI Admin tool both work fine.
2) Running on server using non-administrator user profile (but in the administrator group): GUI client fails, GUI Admin tool works fine.
3) Remote PC: GUI client works fine, did not try admin tool.

When I ran the server upgrade, it also installed the GUI Admin tool and the GUI client as you suggest. Because it is giving me the error when using a non-administrator account, I thought I would re-install just the client by running the VaultClient_3_1_9.msi file, and that's when I see the second warning. To accomplish this re-install, do I need to uninstall the client first, then run the client only installer? Will this solve the problem with running the GUI client by a non-Administrator profile?

The GUI client ran fine on the server with the same non-Administrator profile before the upgrade.

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Post by lbauer » Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:28 pm

Sounds like things are in a confused state and it might be best to start fresh:

Backup your sgvault database, uninstall the Vault server. Also
uninstall any Admin Tools or Clients that appear in add and remove

You may want to go through the registry and clean out any references to
Vault as well.

Then re-install the server with the only the Server and Admin tool
selected (the server and admin tool will only show up in add and remove
programs if you are logged in as the user who installed it -

Then install the client separately and choose for "all users on the
machine" in the installer.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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