I've been having a problem with two of my web projects. The problem is that the working directory keeps getting changed behind the scenes somewhere. When I open the project from source control, the files and source control bindings are as expected. I check the working folder in Vault, and it points to the right place. After I close the project and re-open it, the working folder is reset in vault, and all the files show up in my solution as newly added files that need to be checked in.
Relevant version info: Vault 3.1.5; Visual Studio 2005 v8.0.50727.42
Order of operations:<ol>
<li>Open from source control. All files are created on my local machine as expected. All working folders in Vault are correctly specified.</li>
<li>Close project. Vault still shows correct working folders.</li>
<li>Re-open project. In Visual Studio, two of the projects (images and one of the web projects) show all files as being newly added and requiring checkin. Vault shows that the working folders have moved up one level to the root of the solution. In Vault, all files for those two projects have a status of "Missing."</li>
<li>Close project, delete the .NET auto-generated .suo file, re-open project. All is as it should be.</li>
</ol>I've opened the .sln file in Notepad and the entries for these two projects exactly match the other projects, which are working just fine. The only differences are that the web project is set as the root of the website in IIS, and the Images project is not set as an application, but a virtual directory (all other projects in this solution are applications in IIS). I have tried turning Images into an application, though, and that didn't solve anything.
This may be a Visual Studio problem, but my Google efforts so far have failed to turn up any information about this. Any ideas are most appreciated.
Source control bindings moved between project loads
Moderator: SourceGear
Problem solved. Kind of.
I fixed this by manually editing the .sln file to point one level up for these two projects. I still don't understand how or why the source control bindings would automatically be changed between getting the project from source control initially and re-opening it at a later time. But after a solid three hours of attempting to solve this problem, I'm just happy it seems to be working.
I'm not sure if this will help you troubleshoot, but here's a bit more information. The steps that were taken to create these projects is roughly outlined below:<ol>
<li>Upgraded solution to the .NET 2.0 framework -- all projects that didn't have this problem were created prior to the upgrade.</li>
<li>Created a new branch.</li>
<li>Manually tweaked .sln file for the new branch so that files would be created where we wanted them. (For reasons I can't remember, the directory structure in source control is slightly different than we want it to be on the server, so we have to do this tweaking once for each branch.)</li>
<li>Created new projects.</li>
<li>Branched again from the first branch and did the tweaking of the .sln file. It is this branch where I'm having the problem. The initial branch seems to be just fine.</li>
<li>Upgraded solution to the .NET 2.0 framework -- all projects that didn't have this problem were created prior to the upgrade.</li>
<li>Created a new branch.</li>
<li>Manually tweaked .sln file for the new branch so that files would be created where we wanted them. (For reasons I can't remember, the directory structure in source control is slightly different than we want it to be on the server, so we have to do this tweaking once for each branch.)</li>
<li>Created new projects.</li>
<li>Branched again from the first branch and did the tweaking of the .sln file. It is this branch where I'm having the problem. The initial branch seems to be just fine.</li>
Thanks for the details, with your help maybe we can get this issue resolved.
You noted that your projects didn't have this problem prior to the upgrade of the .Net 2.0 Framework. When the upgrade took place, did you also upgrade from VS 2003 to VS 2005? If so, did you use the conversion wizard for these projects or did you open them from source control?
Do your newly created projects not have this problem?
You noted that your projects didn't have this problem prior to the upgrade of the .Net 2.0 Framework. When the upgrade took place, did you also upgrade from VS 2003 to VS 2005? If so, did you use the conversion wizard for these projects or did you open them from source control?
Do your newly created projects not have this problem?
Yes, we did, and yes we used the conversion wizard, although some manual changes had to be made as well.You noted that your projects didn't have this problem prior to the upgrade of the .Net 2.0 Framework. When the upgrade took place, did you also upgrade from VS 2003 to VS 2005?
It's only the newly created projects that do have this problem. I.e., the projects that were created before the upgrade work just fine. It's the two that were created after that are the problem. Oddly, it only seems to be a problem in the branch, though. They were created in one branch, where they work just fine. It's in the new branch that the problem occured.Do your newly created projects not have this problem?
We are still looking into this problem. Would you mind supplying your .sln file that you modified and note all of the modifications that were made?
You can send the *.sln file to my e-mail address (Tonya@SourceGear.com).
You can send the *.sln file to my e-mail address (Tonya@SourceGear.com).