Whenever I open any solution that includes a certain project, I get the following error message:
This is followed by the following three error messages multipel times. The three messages are repeated so many times that I lose count and resort to just mashing the mouse button to clear all of the dialog boxes.There appears to be a discrepancy between the solution's source control information about some project(s) and the information in the project file(s).
To resolve this discrepancy it will be necessary to check out the project file(s) and update them. If the check out fails, however, and the solution is closed without saving, you will see this warning again the next time you open the solution.
Check out failed for $/C3.2.0/Dev/C3/Tools/Utils/C3.Tools.Utils.csproj.vspscc: You already have the file checked out.
Check out failed for $/C3.2.0/Dev/C3/Tools/Utils/C3.Tools.Utils.csproj: You already have the file checked out.
After I close any solution I can use that particular solution again with no troubles, but I will get the problem again if I open any other solution.The command you are attempting cannot be completed because the file 'C3.Tools.Utils.csproj' that must be modified cannot be changed. If the file is under source control, you may want to check it out; if the file is read-only on disk, you may want to change its attributes.