We lost power to our development box, which hosts IIS and the VaultService, but not the database. When it came back up, now everyone who tries to login, gets the message: "You dont have rights to view any items in the repository".
I can go into the Vault Admin, look at all the users and verify that they all are assigned R,C,A rights to our single repository. There are no group permissions being inherited. The only thing that smells like corruption, is if you click on the Properties button on the Repositories tab, you get the following .NET exception:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: VaultServiceAPILib.VaultSoapException: 1104 : FailDBReader
at VaultService.VaultAdminService.GetRepositoryProperties(Int32 nRepID, VaultRepositoryInfo& vrInfo)
at VaultAdmin.AdminManager.HandleException(Exception e, Boolean bHandle, Boolean isSoap)
at VaultAdmin.AdminManager.LoadRepositoryProperties(Int32 repID)
at VaultAdmin.FormMain.CommandShowProperties()
at VaultAdmin.FormMain.buttonProperties_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
I can login to the database, select * from tblrepositories, etc... the db itself doesnt show any signs of corruption. Any ideas on what I can do to get people logging back in?
User rights suddenly broken
Moderator: SourceGear
Can you send me the sgvault.log file? It's in %windir%\temp\sgvault. I'd like to look for any other errors. Email to Linda at
If you need to use the repository immediately, you could temporarily disable folder security on the repository. You will not lose your current security rights settings, they are just not checked for the time being.
If you need to use the repository immediately, you could temporarily disable folder security on the repository. You will not lose your current security rights settings, they are just not checked for the time being.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
Technical Support Manager