Client is not getting connected to server

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Client is not getting connected to server

Post by kalyan_avvaru » Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:15 pm

The source off site client is unable to connect to the server. Struggling with that since yesterday.

We tried secure and non secure connection turning the Firewalls off.
Through Telnet we are able to see the Database Aliases but getting disconnected immediately.

We can see the connection incoming, seeing it authorized, then 3-5 sec later, client disconnects. The client window says "Connection to server closed". We even tried with other port checking softwares and the server is configured to accept the connections on that port. We couldnt even get any solution after going through all the posts in this forum

Please help. Desperately need this to be set immediately


Wade Hought
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More information related to prior post.

Post by Wade Hought » Mon Apr 03, 2006 11:16 pm


I'm working with Kalyan (who started this thread). Below is the server log with verbose 4 and method 1 set in the config file. My (our) questions are: Why isn't the client responding to the challenge? Why is the server saying "... forcibly closed by the remote host..." when the client is saying "Server closed connection"?

Any idea what's going on here? We do have a firewall (cisco pix) between the client and the server, but since the connection is making it to the server it seems unlikely that the firewall configuration is the issue here.

Wade Hought

4/3/2006 9:52:40 PM - XXXXXXXX is attempting to listen for connections on unsecure port 8300
4/3/2006 9:52:40 PM - Waiting for a = False
4/3/2006 9:52:50 PM - Connection accepted from on local address, session id is 1.
4/3/2006 9:52:50 PM - 1: Enter Authorized()
4/3/2006 9:52:54 PM - 1: Unable to get hostname from address:
4/3/2006 9:52:54 PM - The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for
4/3/2006 9:52:54 PM - 1: Connection from: (
4/3/2006 9:52:54 PM - 1: Preparing to send the list of databases...
4/3/2006 9:52:54 PM - 1: Sending the challenge to the client.
4/3/2006 9:52:54 PM - 1: Sending the challenge message body to the client.
4/3/2006 9:52:54 PM - 1: Waiting for the client's response...
4/3/2006 9:52:54 PM - 1: Exception processing messages: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
4/3/2006 9:52:54 PM - 1: Enter KillConnection()
4/3/2006 9:52:54 PM - 1: User disconnected from
4/3/2006 9:52:54 PM - 1 - Exit KillConnection()
4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - Connection accepted from on local address, session id is 2.
4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - 2: Enter Authorized()
4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - 2: Connection from: (
4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - 2: Preparing to send the list of databases...
4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - 2: Sending the challenge to the client.
4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - 2: Sending the challenge message body to the client.
4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - 2: Waiting for the client's response...
4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - 2: Exception processing messages: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - 2: Enter KillConnection()
4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - 2: User disconnected from
4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - 2 - Exit KillConnection()

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Post by lbauer » Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:32 am

4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - 2: Waiting for the client's response...
4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - 2: Exception processing messages: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - 2: Enter KillConnection()
4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - 2: User disconnected from
4/3/2006 9:55:02 PM - 2 - Exit KillConnection()
The server is waiting for the client's response. Either there is none or it's an unrecognizable message. From the server's standpoint, the "remote host" or client has closed the connection unexpectedly. So the server kills the connection on the server side, and the client sees: Server closed connection.

Actually, any time there is a disconnect from the SOS Server, the error is the same. "Server Closed Connection" means something closed the connection between client and server.

Is this a new problem? Was Kalyan ever able to connect?

Are other users having the same problem?

Although the client connects, there may be something breaking the connection. Some firewalls or antivirus programs end a connection after it has been made, or break a connection after a certain amount of time or data has passed.

Also check any firewall/anti-virus on the client side.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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client is working with test server

Post by kalyan_avvaru » Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:47 am

I tried from client side connecting to your test server(I guess) on one of the threads ... light=duck
I used the following details

server =
port ID = 8888

Log in as daffy, password duck.

I can perfecly see the source tree with no problems.
So I guess this proves the client side problem free. Can there be any reason for us not able to login to just our servers

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Post by lbauer » Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:06 am

Can there be any reason for us not able to login to just our servers
We can rule out a problem with the SOS Server itself:

--Can other users connect with no problems? If so, SOS is fine, it is a network issue.

If you don't have other users, I'd suggest a couple of tests:

Install a client on the SOS Server machine itself. Connect using servername: localhost and the port. Does it connect and stay connected?

Try again using the servername, and once more using the IP address. Also try from another machine on the same LAN.

If connecting from the LAN works fine, then this points again to something on the network. You could try changing the port, in case something is conflicting.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Wade Hought
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Post by Wade Hought » Tue Apr 04, 2006 10:06 am

I tried a connection locally on the server, and it worked. It loaded the database tree and allowed me to browse, etc.

So if this rules out the server, and Kalyan's client test to the sos testing repository rules out the client... then that leaves us with the (or some) firewall between the two, correct?

The Cisco PIX on the server network is set to allow the specific port in - and that connection is working (as seen from the logs) - so where does that leave us? What is being dropped?


Wade Hought
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Post by Wade Hought » Tue Apr 04, 2006 10:19 am

Tried the client from another machine inside the server network - also works.

Wade Hought
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2006 11:05 pm

Found it

Post by Wade Hought » Tue Apr 04, 2006 12:28 pm

Sorry for the run-around on this one... We were using port 6346 as the inbound port. Turns out that is an alternate gnutella port - and while packets were getting to both ends properly (verified with network sniffers on both sides), something was forcing the connection closed immediately after connection. We changed ports, updated the firewall, and it's working.


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Post by lbauer » Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:54 pm

No problem.

We can determine if there's an actual issue with SOS, but it's difficult for us to troubleshoot individual network issues. The only thing we can do is ask users to keep looking for something between client and server that might be interfering. Glad you were able to figure it out. :)
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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