"Local version" number is wrong
Moderator: SourceGear
"Local version" number is wrong
I am seeing that the Local Version number in the GUI will not get updated when I perform a command-line getlabel. It doesn't matter if I do a -merge overwrite, or turn on CRC checking, or have the GUI open when running the command-line, or restart the GUI, or click "refresh" button in the GUI. The command does perform correctly and gets the version I want (e.g., version 126) but the GUI continues to say that the local version is the last version I got via the GUI (e.g., version 120).
Is there any way to "kick" or refresh the GUI to figure out what the local version actually is, besides actually doing a get operation in the GUI?
Is there any way to "kick" or refresh the GUI to figure out what the local version actually is, besides actually doing a get operation in the GUI?
I'm using 3.1.5 (3546). Here are the steps to reproduce:
1) I have a file that is currently on version 126. I label it "mylabel". So now label "mylabel" is on version 126.
2) In the GUI, I get version 120. GUI now shows that local version is 120, remote is 126, and status is "Old".
3) I run this command line to getlabel the file at "mylabel":
vault.exe -host -user myusername -password mypassword -repository Core getlabel $/Foo/Bar.csproj mylabel -makewritable -setfiletime checkin -destpath c:\BUILD\ -merge overwrite
4) The local file is now the same bytes as is version 126 in repository. And the local file's datetime is the check in datetime for version 126.
But GUI shows local version is 120, remote is 126, and status is now "Needs merge". I am rather expecting it to show version 126 local and remote, with no status (i.e., up to date).
1) I have a file that is currently on version 126. I label it "mylabel". So now label "mylabel" is on version 126.
2) In the GUI, I get version 120. GUI now shows that local version is 120, remote is 126, and status is "Old".
3) I run this command line to getlabel the file at "mylabel":
vault.exe -host -user myusername -password mypassword -repository Core getlabel $/Foo/Bar.csproj mylabel -makewritable -setfiletime checkin -destpath c:\BUILD\ -merge overwrite
4) The local file is now the same bytes as is version 126 in repository. And the local file's datetime is the check in datetime for version 126.
But GUI shows local version is 120, remote is 126, and status is now "Needs merge". I am rather expecting it to show version 126 local and remote, with no status (i.e., up to date).
I was able to reproduce the behavior when I used -destpath. But when I used -labelworking folder instead of -destpath, both the file and file list were appropriately updated. As I mentioned before -destpath assumes a get to a non-working folder, aund the Get does not update the client side cache files. -labelworkingdfafolder does update the cache.
I'm using Vault 3.1.7 client and server.
I'm using Vault 3.1.7 client and server.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
Technical Support Manager
I pretty much copied your command:
vault -host server -user linda -password password -repository Repository GetLabel $/addfiles/FolderA/test.h mylabel -makewritable -setfiletime checkin -labelworkingfolder C:\_Vault\addfiles FolderA -merge overwrite.
I tried this again and reproduced your results, even using
-labelworking folder. But -- I realized I was logged into the Vault client as Linda and running the CLC as Admin. So the getlabel by Admin didn't update the client cache of Linda, causing the same problem that the
-destpath option did.
Could that be what you are seeing?
The other difference is I'm using 3.1.7, not 3.1.5.
vault -host server -user linda -password password -repository Repository GetLabel $/addfiles/FolderA/test.h mylabel -makewritable -setfiletime checkin -labelworkingfolder C:\_Vault\addfiles FolderA -merge overwrite.
I tried this again and reproduced your results, even using
-labelworking folder. But -- I realized I was logged into the Vault client as Linda and running the CLC as Admin. So the getlabel by Admin didn't update the client cache of Linda, causing the same problem that the
-destpath option did.
Could that be what you are seeing?
The other difference is I'm using 3.1.7, not 3.1.5.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
Technical Support Manager