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Post by amadonna » Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:26 am

Following our previous post:

We are commissioning our software at a customer premises and we are not able to connect to our SOS Server. Our Client PC are connected to the Customer Network and access the Internet through customer's firewall.

We have two port open on our SOS Server: 8080 (SECURE) and 8081.

We have performed tests with both port with TELNET:

On 8081 we are able to connect properly with Telnet while it is not possible to connect on 8080.
However even if Telenet works we are not able to connect with SOS Client on port 8081.

The error we received on the client side are (on site):

- "Server closed connection" on 8081

- "unable to connect to server" on 8080

Our Server is configured as follows:

- SOS 4.1
- W2000 SP 4
- VSS 6.0C
- ssapi.dll

Our Client are WXP with SOS 4.1

We have ENCRIPTION KEY on 8080 and the keys were generated and installed on the client PC.

We have other collegues on other sites that are properly working so my concern is more oriented to the customer firewall configuration....I just doesn't know how to help my collegue, which TESTS to perform.

I don't see anything in the Log when my collegue is using SOS client while when he uses the telnet I can find log messages.
I have already enabled Log General = 4 Verbose.

Which are the differencies between connecting using telnet and using SOS client ?

Since my concern is oriented to the network devices installed at our customer premises I'm focused on protocols, port or other issues that can prevent SOS from working through a firewall

Best Regards,
Gianpiero Brunetti
Alessandro Madonna

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Post by lbauer » Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:43 am

The first step would be to connect to the SOS Server with an SOS Client on the SOS Server machine, using "localhost" as the SOS Server name. This bypasses any network issues, and tells us whether the SOS Server is properly configured.

Can you connect in this way?

I'd also like to see a copy of your SOS Server log. It's called log.txt and is in the SOS Server directory. Email a copy to Linda at and also provide a link to this forum post in your email.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 8
Joined: Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:50 am


Post by amadonna » Tue Feb 21, 2006 2:33 am

We can defiitely connect with SOS Client on the server machine and actually there are many collegues that are using it from several site (we work in distribute location and we have customer located in different countries).

We have the specific problem with one Customer where we are commissioning our software and we NEED to be able to connect.

We have performed the following test that you will find in the log that I'm going to forward you:

- connection with Telnet (it works, but error are displayed on the log)
- connection with Internet Explorer (it works but error are displayed)
- connection with SOS client , NO LOG.

My collegue on site receive a - "Server closed connection" on 8081

Since as I said the Server installation is working I'm wonder what can prevent the client from reaching the Server or better are there specific requirement for the firewall at Customer premises ? The client is directly connected to the firewall without proxi in between.


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