Time zone issues with SOS pointing to a remote VSS db

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Time zone issues with SOS pointing to a remote VSS db

Post by nathan.austhof » Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:02 pm

I have developers in India that are connecting with SOS to an SOS server in Atlanta. My SOS server in Atlanta hosts several VSS db as well as points to a VSS db in Dallas. The users in India (who are using SOS) are having time stamp conflicts with the users in Dallas (who are using VSS). MS KB article #248240 says "Visual SourceSafe does not handle the conversion from one time zone to another properly" but refers to SOS as being able to "allows the timestamp from the server to be used for all Visual SourceSafe activity."

In order for the timestamp from the server to be used for all Visual SourceSafe activity, does the VSS db need to be locally hosted on the SOS server? Or can we get it to work in our current configuration where the SOS server points to a VSS db in another time zone?

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Post by lbauer » Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:22 pm

SOS solves the timestamp problem because, from the VSS database's point of view, all checkins are from the timezone of the SOS Server. To the VSS database, the SOS Server appears as just another VSS Client. So SOS users can be in any timezone and their file versions will be properly tracked by VSS.

For best results, the SOS Server must be installed on the same LAN or same machine as the VSS database. Otherwise, you get the same timestamp problem as do VSS users in different timezones.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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