Multiple checkout results in "limbo" file

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Multiple checkout results in "limbo" file

Post by MikeA » Thu Oct 27, 2005 1:43 pm

--Note: This was mistakenly posted in response to a similar thread

We've been using SourceOffsite for several months now. Overall, we are very pleased, as it enables VSS use over VPN. Occasionally, we find that as we are checking in files, a developer will lose some changes. I am able to recreate the following situation reliably, but I'm not sure if it's the only time data is lost:

User 1 checks out a file using VSS and modifies a line of code.

User 2 checks out the same file using SourceOffsite and modifies the same line of code.

User 1 checks in

User 2 tries to check in, but receives an error that the files could not be automatically merged.

User 2 then does an Undo Checkout. No errors are reported, but the file still has User 2's changes.

User 2 then does a Get Latest Version. This results in a message box saying certain files could not be merged. After viewing the conflicts (the dialog does not let you fix them), User 2 says that all conflicts have been resolved. (What else can User 2 say?)

At this point User 2 has a file with the changes User 2 made, although it is now in the neutral state. If User 2 does a Get Latest Version, the most recent copy in VSS is not copied locally. The only way to get the most recent copy is to delete the local copy, then do a Get Latest.

The worst case scenario (which happened to us!), is User 2 neglects to delete the local copy and then proceeds to check out the file and check it back in. At this point, User 1 changes are now lost.

Is this a flaw in the checkout model, or user error?

Posts: 9736
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:12 am

What version of SOS are you using (client and server)?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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