Sorry, posted to wrong area. Just posted it to sos forum....
I get an error while trying to check out a whole project tree. I don't have any issues with the GUI (works fine, no errors).
Occasionally soscmd will finish without errors, but it is rare. The directory is 8mb of data, and it usually gets about 4mb into the get and then fails. The average file size is 20kb for all of the files.
Any help solving this would be much appreciated, as I'm dead in the water until I find a workaround. I have tried -nocompress -nocache, and neither. I have tried with/without the -label also. All combinations yield errors, but at different spots in the file list.
Here is the command and it's verbose output (some of it was clipped for brevity).
"C:\Program Files\SourceOffSite\soscmd.exe" -command GetProject -server server:8890 -name test -password "" -database c:\VSS\srcsafe.ini -project $/project -soshome "C:\Program Files\SourceOffSite" -workdir "c:\test" -label "testlabel" -recursive -verbose -nocache
SourceOffSite Command Line Client: 128 bit Encryption version 4.1
Connected to server server1.home at port 8890.
Received Secure Challenge from server
Successfully logged in.
Sending GetProject Command to server.
Got file: c:\test\test.cpp
... clipped ...
Got file: c:\test\testmob.cpp
Net error during attempt to read headers. (RH2). Error: 0
Got file: c:\test\test\ChartCtrl.h
Could not open file \s3r4.7h. Error Num=2
Error: Server response = 203 File
Closed connection to server server1.home at port 8890.
soscmd "GetProject" error
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