Detect New Files Exclusion list not working?

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Detect New Files Exclusion list not working?

Post by chizmas » Thu Sep 15, 2005 6:33 am

Version 3.1.2

I went into the admin tool and added some extensions ( *.res; for example ) that we don't want in the users tree when the detect new files.

The users then reload their client, and then detect new files to add screen pops up NOT excluding my file types. Clicking the Exclude button shows that the file types are there, meaning ready to be excluded, but it seems to always show all files in the folder regardless.

Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

Joe Chizmas
screen shot of window not responding to exclusion list
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Post by bfinney » Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:22 am

I did a quick test on this and it seems to be working, but somewhat confusing.

An exclusion doesn't prevent files from appearing in the list, but it does prevent them from being selected when a parent folder is ticked.

In your case, if enable the check on the CMN folder, you should see a bunch of files in the file list become checked. However, the excluded extensions will be unchecked.

The idea is to allow somebody who really really wants to add an excluded file to do it, but force a conscious decision to check it. It's a little more hassle when only adding individual files, but at this point, each would have to be clicked anyway.
Brody Finney
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what does EXCLUDE mean?

Post by chizmas » Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:59 am

Exclude: (verb) To prevent from entering; keep out

Okay, so it's not a bug per your definition, but Exclude means the above, not "do not check by default".

What then, do I do, as Admin, if I really really DON'T want someone to be able to add a given file type?

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Exclude means what?

Post by HankFay » Sun Sep 18, 2005 10:42 pm

In VSS, and in SOS, exclude means exclude from the list, so it is not visible, and so what you want to find, which in my case could be one new file of a given suffix, among 500 with another suffix, is easily findable.

This change in behavior sounds well-intentioned, and it should be an option, not the only way it works: as should most changes in long-established behavior. This one happens to be a real pain.

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