Intermittent error 400 Operation failed (SoS 3.5.3)

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Intermittent error 400 Operation failed (SoS 3.5.3)

Post by damonjebb » Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:41 am

We're using Source Off site 3.5.3 server running on windows 2000 and have VSS 6.0c installed (not the hotfix). We have been using this setup relatively reliably until recently. Now we have intermittent source download failures during our nightly build process, which uses the sos command line client either from Windows or Linux. This is an automated process getting multiple projects from multiple databases and it runs during the early hours of the morning when most of our users are asleep and the systems are generally quite. I have not had a reports from users of similar issues from the graphical client during normal working time.

The process log contains instances of the generic '400 operation failed' message. Retrying the download manually has always succeeded so far.

Our setup has a SoS server running on a VMWare virtual machine with the VSS databases stored on a network attached storage system and mounted as a mapped drive on the SoS server.

Is there any way in which we can get more information about the nature of the failure that result sin the '400' message? I believe this is an intermittent systems failure but our internal IT people are unable to assist me unless I can be more specific about the nature of the problem. We have logging enabled on the server, not verbose, and there is little in the logs that can help. Would turning on more verbose logging be of any use? (I am reluctant to do so as I have seen both performance issues and ultimatly a failure due to the enormous size that the logs can reach).


Damon Jebb
Build Manager
Accelrys Ltd

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Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:59 am

The only way to get more info from SOS is through the log, or perhaps the event viewer. You also might be able to use -verbose to get more from the Command Line Client output.

I understand your reservations about running the log in debug mode, but you can run it in debug just long enough to do your troubleshooting.

it might be useful to see what happens just before the "400 Operation failed" error, and to see if that is the same operation/action each time.

Regarding network issues, the main thing to look for would be any connection timeouts caused by third party, like a proxy, firewall or other device.

Another thing to try is to run Analyze on your database to ensure that minor database corruption is not the culprit.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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