"Your Source Control provider does not support checking

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"Your Source Control provider does not support checking

Post by Prakash » Mon Aug 15, 2005 5:21 am

When I am trying to make some changes int he .net 2003 project which is under SourceOffsite Source control. it prompts for check out and when i am doing that it throws error message sayiong " Your Sourrce Control provider doesnt support checking out while disconnected from the server. How ever V.studio can simulate............. goes on ( see the screen shot)

Server is on and connected. but.

i am SourceOffsite client 4.1 Classic.

Any body can suggest a good soluion or where am i doing wrong??



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Post by Tonya » Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:38 am

It appears that your project has been disconnected from source code control. Were you attempting to work disconnected? You can connect your project to source code control in the Change Source Control dialog by chooseing File, Source Control, Change Source Control. When the Change Source Control dialog appears, check the connected boxes for all of the files and then OK.

You should then be reconnected to source code control. Please let me know if this doesn't resolve the problem.

Tonya Nunn
SourceGear Support


Disconnected from the Server

Post by Guest » Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:55 pm

Hi Tonya,

It works, and i could add/change files directly from the project. Only issue now I am facing is I have to a bind each time if I happend to shut down my machine.



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Location: SourceGear

Post by Tonya » Wed Aug 17, 2005 8:13 am

Do you have to bind every project or just this one? What happens when you attempt to open the project after your machine has been turned off? Do you receive the same error message or a new one? You shouldn't have to bind your projects every time that your machine is shut down.

Tonya Nunn
SourceGear Support

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