Merge option in SOS using commandline utility soscmd

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Manjunath Chavan
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Merge option in SOS using commandline utility soscmd

Post by Manjunath Chavan » Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:34 am


Is there any utility in sos which can be used for merging a file during checkin through commandline(SOSCMD). One of the posting, has mentioned about sgdm.exe, is this usable for merge purpose. If so can anyone tell me how to use it and from where do we get it. Because in SOS V 3.5 we don't have this exe.

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Post by lbauer » Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:42 pm

There's no support for configuring a merge tool in the SOS Command Line Client. However, Visual SourceSafe supports merge on checkin without additonal configuration. So just checking files into VSS with the command line will cause a merge if the database copy has changed -- and if there are no conflicts.

The CLC will report a merge error if there are conflicts. If the merge has failed, you could use a diff/merge tool to resolve conflicts.

Some diff/merge tools we've recommended in the past for use with SOS 3.5.x:

Beyond Compare:

Araxis Merge:



SOS 4.1 comes with our own tool: SourceGear Diff/Merge, or SGDM.exe.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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