I'm trying to create a link to the web viewer for a particular item, and I see that the querystring takes the format ?File=<repositoryid><path/to/file> (or something close to that).
My problem is, it doesn't appear that the LISTREPOSITORIES command from the command line client returns the repository id. Is there a command I can use to get it? We're using 3.0.7.
Get repositoryid from command line?
Moderator: SourceGear
There's no preexisting way that I can think of to do what you need. You should be able to quickly modify the FindRepository method in the VaultClientTemplate example to print out r.RepID, which is the ID that you need.
http://weblogs.asp.net/jeremy_sheeley/a ... 02/18.aspx
http://weblogs.asp.net/jeremy_sheeley/a ... 02/18.aspx