File history truncated

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File history truncated

Post by joemath » Thu Mar 04, 2004 11:01 am

I'm using SourceOffSite 3.5 client and server on Win2k.

For one particular file, the "show history" feature only display the most recent label attached the file. All previous labels and versions are missing from the history list.

The other files in SourceOffSite seem to show history correctly.

I checked VSS, and all 60 versions/labels for the file are shown correctly in there. I analyzed the DB and it reported no errors. I also rebooted the client and server machines.

Is this a known issue in 3.5? Can 3.5 customers upgrade free to 3.5.3? Maybe an upgrade will take care of the problem.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


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Post by lbauer » Thu Mar 04, 2004 2:38 pm

This is known issue in SOS 3.x. Sometimes it happens after label promotion. This and some other "Get History" bugs have been fixed in SOS 4.0, due out in a few weeks.

The upgrade to SOS 4.0 is $99 per client license.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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