I use the following:
VS.Net IDE version: 7.1.3088
SOS Client version: 3.5.3
When using VS.NET with integrated checkout, the integration works fine where I can check in / out files, get latest version, etc. After 5 minutes or so of not using the integration, the connection to SOS gets disconnected, requiring a new logon.
The pause between the check in / out attempt and the following dialog is about 45 seconds (very annoying!!).
Error dialog: "The connection to the server is close."
Press [OK]
Dialog: "Do you want to reconnect to the server?"
Press [OK]
What can I do to keep the connection alive while I work on files between check in / out's?
VS.NET Integration diconnects from SOS server after 5 mins
Moderator: SourceGear
The SOS Server is meant to work with latent connections, so by default it does not close connections with the client. Most likely a third party -- like a firewall -- is closing the connection after a period of time.
Also, have your SOS admin check the SOS Server Manager under General Settings->Timeout idle connections to see if a value has been entered there.
Although the SOS client does have a setting for "Send Keep-Alive Signal", this doesn't work with the 3.5.3 IDE. This bug was fixed for 4.x, so upgrading might resolve the problem. You'd need to upgrade both clien and server. This is a paid upgrade; $99 per client license. Try the demo to see if using a keep-alive works. (You can install SOS 3.5.3 and SOS 4.x on the same server machine.
You could also check with your network admin to see if there is a firewall setting that might be causing the disconnect.
Also, have your SOS admin check the SOS Server Manager under General Settings->Timeout idle connections to see if a value has been entered there.
Although the SOS client does have a setting for "Send Keep-Alive Signal", this doesn't work with the 3.5.3 IDE. This bug was fixed for 4.x, so upgrading might resolve the problem. You'd need to upgrade both clien and server. This is a paid upgrade; $99 per client license. Try the demo to see if using a keep-alive works. (You can install SOS 3.5.3 and SOS 4.x on the same server machine.
You could also check with your network admin to see if there is a firewall setting that might be causing the disconnect.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
Technical Support Manager