I had to change the path of the VSS database on the SOS Server, but after the change the Windows SOS clients can no longer successfully connect to the server. The server disconnects while the client is downloading the new tree, and trying to reconnect after that causes the error "Error parsing <path>\database2.sos". Removing the database2.sos file (as suggested in the KB) just repeats the cycle.
We are using SOS client v 4.0.2
Connecting from a Linux Client work just fine.
Windows client cannot connect to server after DB change
Moderator: SourceGear
I just wanted to let everybody know that the problem I had has been resolved. It seems that after an SOS clients connects to the server with a bad databaseX.sos file, that leaves the SOS server in a bad state. Restarting the SOS server and removing the bad databaseX.sos file allows the client to connect successfully.