Rename File Problem

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Rename File Problem

Post by taustin » Tue Mar 15, 2005 10:24 am

Vault 3.0.1
GUI Client in CVS mode

I was renaming some files earlier in the GUI client and did a get latest. After updating the VS projects with the new filenames, I noticed VS couldn't find two files that were in a subfolder of the main project folder. I looked in the folder and noticed the two of the files in the folder were not renamed. I checked the repository in Vault and two files in had the old name. But when I try to rename them again in the repository, Vault gives me the error message:

The object could not be found. It may have been deleted, moved or renamed.

Is my client side cache fried? If so, is there a "how to" on how to safely remove and rebuild it? I looked in the "Docs and Settings\App Settings\Vault_1" folder but there were three folders with guid-like names probably relating to the three different repositorys that I connect to. Any information would be greatly appreciated - I can't go forward until I figure this out...

Posts: 23
Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2004 12:48 pm

Post by taustin » Tue Mar 15, 2005 12:05 pm


Looking around some more, I found this helpful article:

I removed the repository structure cache file (along with the last-get-date file) and that seems to have solved the problem. The renamed files show up correctly in the GUI and a quick "get latest" gets the files with the corrected name. Sorry for the bother.

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