$Workfile: keyword expansion different from VSS

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$Workfile: keyword expansion different from VSS

Post by mlippert » Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:49 pm

I've just noticed that Vault's expansion of the $Workfile: keyword is different from Visual SourceSafe's.

VSS expands like:

Code: Select all

//*   $Workfile:: Xml.cpp                                                    $
while Vault expands like:

Code: Select all

//*   $Workfile:: d:\mcad13\mcd\mcxml/Xml.cpp                                $
I don't think the working folder path is all that interesting to anyone, especially since it is expanded on checkin. It is also a little odd to have the final separator be a forward slash when all the others are backslashes.

Since I use a file header that contains the following lines:

Code: Select all

//*   $Workfile:: Xml.cpp                                                    $
//*   $Revision:: 15                                                         $
//*     $Author:: Mlippert                                                   $
//*       $Date:: 3/10/04 6:30p                                              $
I don't particularly want the path (and if I did, I think the path I'd want would be the $Archive: keyword's expansion.

Anyway I'm just checking if this was done deliberately (in which case I'm curious as to the reasoning) or just by accident, in which case I'm requesting that $Workfile: be returned to expanding to just the file name as the documentation states (see the keywords section of the vault help).


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Post by lbauer » Thu Mar 03, 2005 9:21 am

What version of Vault are you using? I tried this with Vault 3.0.2.

When I used the $Workfile: $ keyword it expanded like this:

$Workfile: C:\_Vault\Alpha\_sos\xanadu3.txt $

It is strange that you got the forward slash. Is there something different about your file's location? Does it happen on any file?

Not sure why we have the full path there. Maybe we picked up some code from the History or Log keywords, which expands to the full path.

At any rate, our own documentation says $Workfile: $ should expand to the file name (no mention of path) so I'll log it as a bug.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Post by mlippert » Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:25 am

Thanks for filing this as a bug Linda.

Anyway I just did a quick grep though some of our sources and some files have that last separator as a forward slash '/' and some have it as a backslash '\', and I don't see any common denominator (although there probably is one.) Just as a hypothesis, I wonder if it is related to using the IDE vs the GUI Client to check stuff in. Anyway it becomes a moot issue if the bug is fixed since there won't be any separators.


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