Index out of bounds / slowwwww / hanging

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Index out of bounds / slowwwww / hanging

Post by kraakwg » Wed Feb 23, 2005 3:35 am

Since today we experience severe issues with SOS (Version 4.1 on server + client + VSS 6.0d). The refresh file list takes 20 minutes. Checkouts even fail and loading the solution takes very long as well.

In the server log file you find statements at the end mentioning 'out of bounds....' ; sounds like a bug to me .....

When I finally can open VS 2003 I do notice that for example a User Control ascx file and it's codebehind and resx are checked out (according to VS 2003). But when I look in SOS only the ascx file is checked out. Undo checkout in VS took 10 minutes !

Please provide guidance, this issue stops us from further development

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Post by lbauer » Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:44 am

If SOS was working properly yesterday and is now extremely slow, then something has changed on your network or with your software configuration. The "index is out of bounds . . ." message in the log often appears when there are problems, but unfortunately, this message is no help in diagnosis.

So we need to do some detective work.

Can you think of anything that has changed in you system recently?

-- is real-time anti-virus software enabled?

-- Have you run Analyze on your database recently? Minor database corruption can causea problems with SOS.

-- If the ssapi.dll file in your VSS 6.0d Win32 directory is version 98.48, check the threading model to be sure it is set to Both.

-- Has any other software been added to the SOS Server machine that might use system resources? Do you have more users, more VSS databases than before?

-- If you continue to experience difficulty, send me a copy of your log file in verbose mode.
Email it to Linda at
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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