Server unavailable for transaction end when adding PNG files

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Bart Read

Server unavailable for transaction end when adding PNG files

Post by Bart Read » Thu Jan 27, 2005 5:16 am

Dear All,

I am using Vault Client 2.0.6 (2219) and have been trying since yesterday to add a number of PNG images to a directory in our repository but am unable to do so. The following symptoms occur:

(i) Add files as normal (with or without comment, also doesn't matter how many / few I attempt to add).
(ii) Vault adds files but is unable to end transaction successfully, so the transaction fails.
(iii) Vault gets stuck in an infinite loop retrying the transaction.

I've attached a PNG with the error message which I've had to screen capture because it's the only way to grab the data from the Messages pane when the client is stuck in the loop. The basic details of the error message are as follows:

Preparing data to begin transaction
Beginning transaction
Add $/Red Gate....
Ending the transaction
Server unavailable for transaction end
Transaction failed
Found and corrected problems with the a [sic] local baseline file. Retrying the transaction.
Preparing data to begin transaction
etc ad infinitum

A few additional points:

(i) I can still add / commit files in other directories, although I've not tried PNG files (primarily because we keep them all in one directory). At the moment the directory in question contains about 13 images, which are a mixture of PNGs and GIFs, and I'm trying to add the same number again (but only PNGs).

(ii) There doesn't seem to be anything under Tools > Options to allow me to force the client to abort any commit / add if the transaction fails so I can't stop it going into this infinite loop.

(iii) Using / not using chunked encoding makes no difference. The error still occurs, but with chunked encoding the whole cycle takes somewhat longer.

(iv) Using / not using SSL makes no difference: the same error occurs either way.

I tried the last two as a result of reading other posts on this forum from people with similar looking problems. Number (ii) is very annoying as I'd like to be able to do this. Can I report this as a bug / RFE please?

I'd really appreciate any help on this you can give as I'm just about at my wits end with it.

Many thanks,
Bart Read
Partial screen grab showing error message reported by client.
vaulttransactionerror.png (22.91 KiB) Viewed 2491 times

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Post by jeremy_sg » Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:16 am


Is there anything in your Vault server log file that hints why the upload is failing? Give me an email using the button below this post, and we'll try to get this straightened out.

Posts: 1821
Joined: Thu Dec 18, 2003 11:39 am
Location: Sourcegear

Post by jeremy_sg » Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:48 am

Bart emailed and he was getting the same error in his server log as seen in

We've already fixed the infinite loop in the 3.0 version of Vault.


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