Undoing check out: how to override the local file?

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Undoing check out: how to override the local file?

Post by vrapp » Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:46 am

In Vault Options/Local Files, I have specified "on undo check out" = "leave" .

In VS 2003, I check out a file; change it locally; then I decide that I don't want the change. I undo the check-out.

Then I want to replace the local copy with the copy from the repository. I.e., I want to override the option "leave on undo check-out" in this case.

I can do it in Vault Client by "get latest version" with override; but in VS, when I choose "get latest version" or "check out", I don't have a prompt to override, no override option, and the (modified) local copy stays no matter what. I think this is wrong?
Vadim Rapp

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Post by dan » Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:01 am

When you do an Undo Checkout in the IDE, there is a button at the top of the dialog that allows you to select advanced options. This is how VS allows SCC providers to control additional options that it doesn't provide on its own. From there, you can choose to revert the file during the Undo.

There is also a Get dialog you can turn on in the IDE, using Tools->options->SCC provider->Advanced (or something similiar). This will bring up Vault options available to the IDE, and there is an option there to turn on the Get dialog. However, we have to bring up that dialog every time the Get command is called, and it comes up way more often than should be necessary (because that is how VS calls into us), so you will only want to turn it on for temporarily overwritting specific files.

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