Is it possible to refresh the project-tree nonrecursively?

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Is it possible to refresh the project-tree nonrecursively?

Post by cscibri » Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:50 am

Is it possible to refresh the project-tree nonrecursively?

My client's project tree is organized like this:
+ Project 1
+ Project 2
+ Project 50

Each project has subprojects six to eight levels deep. I only work projects 1 & 2. . .At least I had until last week. The client recently added Project 51 which I need to access also. Unfortunately I cannot do so because I cannot refresh the project tree. . .SOS tries to refresh each subproject form Project 3 to Project 50 unnecessarily and it takes forever. What I would like is to refresh the project tree nonrecursively so that I can just get the list of toplevel projects, and then refresh only the three I need.

-- cscibri


version number

Post by cscibri » Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:53 am

Sorry, I forgot to include the version number. . .

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Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
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Post by lbauer » Thu Jan 13, 2005 10:15 am

To see a subproject, you must refresh the parent folder, which for Project 51 is $/.

A project tree refresh from root can be a very long operation. You can try running longer to see if it completes.

If it hangs and never completes, you could try backing up and editing the databasex.sos file, which is the cache file for the project tree. If you look at the structure of the other folder entries, you might be able create the new directory entry.

For more information about the SOS Client cache file see:
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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