SOS client for Solaris: how do I install the package?

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SOS client for Solaris: how do I install the package?

Post by RussellEast » Wed Dec 22, 2004 6:46 pm

Ok, I downloaded the pkg file "SGsos-4.1.0-professional-SunOS-5.9.pkg.gz" then I used gunzip, and tried the following command:
pkgadd -d .
but it tells me:
pkgadd: ERROR: no packages were found in </My/Download/Directory>

If I do the following:
file 'name of package file'
the reply is:
SGsos-4.1.0-professional-SunOS-5.9.pkg: English text

which doesn't look right. Anybody with any clues about this?

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Post by sterwill » Wed Dec 22, 2004 10:01 pm

"pkgadd -d" expects a device, and the file (after gunzip) will work fine. The whole command would be something like "pkgadd -d SGsos-4.1.0-professional-SunOS-5.9.pkg".
Shaw Terwilliger
SourceGear LLC
`echo sterwill5sourcegear6com | tr 56 @.`

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