VS 2003 -- checkout causes VS to hang

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VS 2003 -- checkout causes VS to hang

Post by bgrommes » Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:27 pm

I had several documents open, including one Windows Form that was already checked out.

I began editing a class file that was not checked out. This triggered a checkout (correct).

I've noticed that with SOS, unlike "plain" VSS, at this point all the open documents are quickly cycled through, causing them to come to the front one by one (unnecessary). Also, unlike "plain" VSS, if your checkout was triggered by, say, pasting some code into that window, the paste action (and sometimes the cursor position) is lost.

If one of the open documents is a form design window, this can prompt VS to regenerate the code (VS bug -- it seems unsure of when something has changed at all, or if the change is significant; a checkout can be prompted by just LOOKING at a form). This in turn can prompt a "checkout within a checkout". But I digress.

What happened to me here is that when the already checked out form came frontmost, VS simply hung with that form design window about half redrawn. The only solution is to kill VS.

When I come back into VS, the file I originally was trying to edit is properly checked out and nothing seems the worse for wear.

This has happened twice. I "solved" it by closing the form designer that was hanging. Anyone have a REAL fix?

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