Metrowerks Codewarrior plug-in?

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Metrowerks Codewarrior plug-in?

Post by jmcclellan » Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:18 pm


My company is currently in the final stages of selecting a SCC system. It has come down to Sourcegear, and Perforce. From my perspective as the IT guy, there are so many reasons to choose Sourcegear, and I have made this clear to everyone involved. However, the software manager's people have to use it, and their primary dev environment is Codewarrior. Perforce has a Codewarrior Plug-in. So, he is pushing for Perforce, and winning. And I just hate that package.

I know there is an IDE available, but there is no way anybody here will have time to develop a plug-in. SG sounds like it's compatible with standard SCC VSS interface, but Metrowerks does not appear to use that.

Does anyone know where I can get a Codewarrior plug-in for Vault, or some way to make CW work with Vault as-is?

If we can find any way to get Vault integrated to the CW IDE, it would be a guaranteed sale for Sourcegear. The software guys' only reason for choosing P4 is the CW plugin. If that goes away, SG wins, and so do we.

I would appreciate any ideas or suggestions here! We have a meeting on friday to make the final decision. I really hope I can find some way to veto Perforce and do everyone a big favor by implementing SG Vault.


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Post by ericsink » Wed Dec 15, 2004 9:27 am

Darn. I wish we could help. Unfortunately, there is no CodeWarrior plugin for Vault. I would be lying if I said there will be one anytime soon.

Deep down inside, Perforce is a fine product. You'll get used to it eventually. If you ever need to just vent your frustrations, we'll be here for you. :-)
Eric Sink
Software Craftsman

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Has this changed?

Post by erenken » Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:12 pm

Is there any change in this? We would really like a CodeWarrior plugin also. I figured I would ask as this has been over a year since you answered this.

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Post by ericsink » Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:29 pm

Over a year? It looks like about 50 days or so. ;-)

Sorry, no change. Without a specific incentive, this is a low priority for us. There are several environments which would draw our attention for integration before CodeWarrior.
Eric Sink
Software Craftsman

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