Recover files from local client cache?

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Recover files from local client cache?

Post by ccinspire » Mon Jan 16, 2023 11:12 am

This might not be possible, but I am in pretty desperate need.

My network was hit with ransomware. Files encrypted include the vault Db on the actual SQL Server and backup of the database (of course).

I have a local workstation running the Vault client....all the files in my working folder on my C Drive are also encrypted.

However my vault cache folder was on a separate D drive and is ~4GB in size. It is NOT encrypted. My understanding is this cache folders has all the baseline files that are retrieved from the Vault server for doing file comparisons.

My question: Is there ANY WAY to either browser the cache or restore the files in the cache to a new working folder. It would appear that I do (to some degree) have actual code files stored in this cache, and it there is any way to get at them, it would help me out tremendously. The only copy of the Vault Database I was able to find is on an ANCIENT 3 yr old database.

This was using the latest version of Vault Client and Vault Server (10.0.2?).

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Re: Recover files from local client cache?

Post by Tonya » Tue Jan 17, 2023 8:45 am


We are sorry to hear about your ransomware attack and the loss of your data. We do have a few suggestions. Can you please email us at so I can advise you with more information?



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