SOS Command client.

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SOS Command client.

Post by gobinath_p » Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:18 am


Version 3.5.3

I downloaded a command client for version 3.5.x.

The UI client works fine, but when I execute the command from command line client e.g
soscmd -command GetFile -server server1:8890 -name xxx -password xxx -database "C:\Program Files\SourceOffSite\srcsafe.ini" -project $/URT -file BuildInfo.txt -workdir D:\URT -soshome "C:\Program Files\SourceOffSite"

I get the following error.

Unexpected server message after login. Expected a 300 Success, but got a 420 (F
Server Message Body = ▐lt!= εNágD7b╪sUoP*NÇ∟♀.

Other Info.
*) I see the word secure in my GUI client title bar -- server1:8890(secure). - does this mean anything?
*) Win2k sp4.


Posts: 9736
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:21 am

Error 420 is a "failed to open database" error. This error message means the SourceSafe database could not be opened for some reason. The path name specified in the -database parameter needs to point directly to the srcsafe.ini file for the database.

Please verify that the database pathname is correct.

Is the SOS Server on the same machine as the VSS database?

If not, try using the UNC pathname (\\machine\path\to\file) for the database.

It's a little unusual that your srcsafe.ini file is in the SOS directory.
-database "C:\Program Files\SourceOffSite\srcsafe.ini"

Is it pointing to a VSS database elsewhere? Or is your database actually in the SOS directory?

To find out what the exact database path is, run the following command:

soscmd -command GetDatabases -server servername:port

The database name returned by this command is the name that should be
used for the -database parameter.

This message: server1:8890(secure) means that you are connecting to server1 on port 8890, which is the default secure port for SOS.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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