Checked-in files stays checked-out

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Thomas Linder Puls
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Checked-in files stays checked-out

Post by Thomas Linder Puls » Fri Nov 26, 2004 3:50 am

Recently more an more people at our site has experienced a bug, which we have never seen previously.

The problem is as follows:
  • The person has a lot of pending changes
  • The person commits the changes
  • The person does not click on the "Keep checked out"
  • After the commit the files are still "Checked out", but now "Unchanged"
  • "Undo check out" does not change the state, the files stays "Checked out"
However, if the person close the GUI client and opens it again then the files are no longer checked out.

So all in all it appears that it is just the GUI client, which "misunderstands the situation".

What is wrong?
Thomas Linder Puls
Visual Prolog

Posts: 9736
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Fri Nov 26, 2004 11:30 am

This is known bug in Vault 2.0.x. We had some reports of this, but were never able to reliably reproduce it here. However, we've made changes in the checkout list for Vault 3.0 that should eliminate the problem.

As you noted, the workaround is to close and reopen the GUI client.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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