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Post by Morgan » Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:36 pm

We are trying to use SOS with VS .Net. What is the proper procedure for:

1) multiple programmers working on the same file?

2) Working on files and then needing to stop and fix a bug in an eariler release and then when you go back to what you were doing get the bug fix included in the version you were working on?

3) General guidlines?

Can anyone give me a step by step procedure? Do I need to work disconnected? Do I need to find another job? Do I need to run screaming out of the building? (I've done it once already) Email me at morgan.b.doyle@aexp.com


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Post by lbauer » Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:54 am

Visual SourceSafe supports multiple checkouts, and if that option is enabled in the VSS Admin tool, multiple checkouts are enabled for SOS users. If multiple users are working on the same file, it's important to know that if you're working on a file and other user has checked in that file with changes, when you check in your changes, the files will be merged. If there are conflicts, your file won't be checked in and in the GUI client, the file will have a 'needs merge' state that will need to be resolved. So it might be useful to have a GUI Client open so you can see the status of files.

Regarding the bug fix -- do you label your releases? Although this is not supported in SOS, you can do label promotion using VSS, where you update a file in a particular label. Look in VSS Help for "label promotion."

Regarding general guidelines -- Microsoft has good information about best practices for source control in general:

http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/defau ... rvices.asp

It might be helpful to know if you are encountering specific problems so we can narrow things down.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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