sourcegear vault No server was found at the specified URL

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sourcegear vault No server was found at the specified URL

Post by asifhameed » Sat Aug 02, 2014 7:12 am

Hi all:

I am trying to use vault ( but getting following error:

Unable to connect to xxxxxx. No server was found at the specified URL. Please verify your network settings using the Options dialog under the Tools menu in the Vault GUI Client. Web Exception: Unable to connect to the remote server

It was fine till last week but now it is not working. Although it works from another internet connection of same IP. I am not using any proxy as i checked in network connections. I am using Windows 7.

Here is the latest entry in C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp\VaultGUIClient.txt file:

generic>: [GUIClientWorkerThread:5152] [System.Exception: Unable to connect to http://xxxx/VaultService. No server was found at the specified URL. Please verify your network settings using the Options dialog under the Tools menu in the Vault GUI Client. Web Exception: Unable to connect to the remote server
at VaultClientNetLib.VaultConnection.Login(String strURLBase, String strUserLogin, String strPassword)
at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.Login(String urlbase, String username, String password)
at VaultClientPresentationLib.GUIClientInstance.ConnectToServer(String& outserverPath, Boolean forceDialogShow, String& outprofileName, String& outusername, Boolean& outbUseSSL, Boolean& outbAutoLogin)
at VaultClientPresentationLib.GUIClientThread.ProcessCommand(GUIClientThreadCommand command, GUIClientThreadCommandResult& outputResult)] Unable to connect to http://xxxx/VaultService. No server was found at the specified URL. Please verify your network settings using the Options dialog under the Tools menu in the Vault GUI Client. Web Exception: Unable to connect to the remote server
at VaultClientNetLib.VaultConnection.Login(String strURLBase, String strUserLogin, String strPassword)
at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.Login(String urlbase, String username, String password)
at VaultClientPresentationLib.GUIClientInstance.ConnectToServer(String& outserverPath, Boolean forceDialogShow, String& outprofileName, String& outusername, Boolean& outbUseSSL, Boolean& outbAutoLogin)
at VaultClientPresentationLib.GUIClientThread.ProcessCommand(GUIClientThreadCommand command, GUIClientThreadCommandResult& outputResult)

Stack Trace:
at VaultClientPresentationLib.GUIClientInstance.ShowCommandException(Exception e, IWin32Window dialogOwner)
at VaultClientPresentationLib.GUIClientThread.ProcessCommand(GUIClientThreadCommand command, GUIClientThreadCommandResult& outputResult)
at VaultClientPresentationLib.GUIClientThread.Start()
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

where as doesn't open in browser.

please suggest a solution

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Re: sourcegear vault No server was found at the specified UR

Post by Beth » Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:00 am

Although it works from another internet connection of same IP.
Having the same IP could be a problem. Try getting a different IP address.

I could reach the URL from here. When we're done with this support issue, I'll be commenting out your URL for security reasons.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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