VSS problems checking out files while other user uses SOS

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VSS problems checking out files while other user uses SOS

Post by Imagine128 » Mon Nov 01, 2004 5:03 pm


I'm using SOS 4.0.2 with VS.NET 2003 and my coworker is using VSS 6.0d. I have no problems checking in and out files, but sometimes when my coworker tries to checkout a file she gets an older version. Sometimes she can fix the problem by closing VS.NET and reopenning it and then checking out the file again. Other times, I have to check out the file and then check it back in so that she may check it out.

What might be causing this problem?

Also, she can see what files I currently have checked out but I cannot see what files she is currently working with. Perhaps this is related?

Thanks for any assistance,

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Post by lbauer » Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:35 pm

It's possible that the file was not actually checked in from your end.

When this happens, take a look at the file in the SOS Classic GUI client. What is the status, and what version is the file in your working directory vs. the version in the database.?

If you have multiple checkouts enabled in the VSS Admin Tool, then it's possible that there were conflicts on checkin and the file is in a Needs Merge state. You have to resolve conflicts before you can check this type of file in.

Regarding your second question, the Visual Studio IDE does not show checkout status of a file or project unless you are the one who has checked it out.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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