Vault Shadow stopped working.

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Vault Shadow stopped working.

Post by ERI » Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:59 am

On two occasions we've had vault's shadow folder stop updating without record or warning.
Nothing listed in the logs that I can see.

When it has stopped working we check-in a document on a folder that is shadowed (and has been for years; working properly), and then look at the shadow folder and find it not updating - the document is not updated.

The solution both times this has happened has been to require a server reboot (which is a big deal).

Three questions:

1) is there a way to reboot the vault shadow folder system without rebooting the entire server (it is an old windows server 2003 sp2 server)

2) Are there any known "conflicts" between the shadow folder system and other non-vault software?

3) Does anyone have any tips on an easy way to audit whether the shadow is being updated without having to manually test it? This is actually one of our biggest concerns that people are working with obsolete data without knowing so!

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Re: Vault Shadow stopped working.

Post by lbauer » Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:36 am

What version of Vault are you using?

Anything useful in the Windows Event viewer on the Vault Server machine?

Even though you're not seeing anything in the the Vault Server log it still might be helpful for us to take a look.

Could you send the the Vault Server log and the Vault Shadow folder log zipped up to me at support at, ATTN: Linda.

The Vault Shadow folder log is called vaultshadowfolderservice.txt and is in C:\Windows\Temp\SGShadowFolder.

Please include a link to this forum post.

Regarding your other questions -- anti-virus software can sometimes interfere with Shadow Folder updates, if files are being locked by the app. Also, if the file is modified directly in the Shadow Folder (not by Vault), it may not get updated.

Rather than rebooting the entire Vault Server machine, you could try recycling the Vault App Pool in IIS. This will restart the Vault Server web service.

You could also try an "iisreset" command from the command line, though this would also restart other web services on the same machine.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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