Command Line error V303

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Command Line error V303

Post by Opcom » Mon Oct 11, 2004 11:00 pm

We are trying to use the command line version of SOS for the first time. We have the GUI version working fine.
When a user attempts to get a file list we get errror Expected a 300 success but got a 420 (faileddatabaseopen). Can't seem to get past that.
Cmd line is
soscmd -command GetFilelist -server server2:8888 -database e:\vss60data\ssoprew\srcsafe.ini -name username -password userpw -project $/Dundas/ug5mfc -workdir c:\sstest\opcrew
Error on the server says it is trying to open the database name as the user name not the specified name in -databasse.
Can someone assit please.

Posts: 9736
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Wed Oct 13, 2004 3:18 pm

What is the exact error message?

The username in the command must be a valid user for this particular VSS database. SOS doesn't support Windows authentication, so verify that a valid username (and password) is configured in the Visual SourceSafe Admin Tool in the users list for the database.

Here's more info on Error 420:

Error 420 is a "failed to open database" error. This error message means the SourceSafe database could not be opened for some reason. The path name specified in the -database parameter needs to point directly to the srcsafe.ini file for the database.

Please verify that the database pathname is correct.

Is the SOS Server on the same machine as the VSS database?

If not, try using the UNC pathname (\\machine\path\to\file) for the database.
To find out what the exact database path is, run the following command:

soscmd -command GetDatabases -server servername:port

The database name returned by this command is the name that should be
used for the -database parameter.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager


re commandline

Post by opcom » Tue Oct 19, 2004 5:54 pm

Thanks for that reply
Found by running that command option I had the wrong path to the fault..


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