lost work (again)

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lost work (again)

Post by alhiggs » Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:07 am

:evil: I/we used the 4.x version for 2 years, and had a few problems but nothing major. Since upgrading to Pro 6.0 (2 weeks ago) I have had nothing but problems. Yesterday I checked out a file, worked on it all afternoon, and this moning, did a "get latest" at the solution level, with "prompt for modified files". Several files popped up and I said "do not overwrite/merge later" on ALL of them. When I went to the page I was working on, now all the work I did yesterday is gone. I searched the whole hard drive for any file containing a string that is in only that file, and the only instance it found was the current source file. No backup anywhere. I/we have tried to figure out how the work was lost. I know how to use the product, I have had no issues for the last year. Now I'm not sure how to proceed. Is there any tracing or logging I can turn on? From now on I'm running a batch file to xcopy changed files to a tree ( that includes the current date) every time before I commit or Get Latest. I should not have to do this!!
Austin Higgs

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Re: lost work (again)

Post by Beth » Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:47 am

Right-click the parent folder and select Properties. There should be a backups tab. Are the files that had changes listed there?

What types of files had modifications?

Were the changes saved?

Some places where you can check for errors is your Vault Server Log found on the server at %windir%\temp\sgvault\sgvault.log, and your Client Side Log found under %temp% on your machine. See any errors?
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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