VSS Import had a lot of transaction failed errors

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VSS Import had a lot of transaction failed errors

Post by mlippert » Wed Oct 06, 2004 11:25 am

I am in the process testing Vault to see if we can replace VSS with it at my company. I've pretty much narrowed down the choices to Vault or Perforce. One of the potential benefits to us of Vault is its stated ability to import our existing Visual SourceSafe database. It is 2G in size and contains revisions going back 7 or 8 years.

I copied the VSS database to my local machine and ran analyze on it several times (unfortunately it never analyzed cleanly).

After that I archived the database and restored about half of it to a completely new VSS database. (This is not the optimum process because it seems to cause labels to be lost since you can't restore the root $ project, however I was having problems in some smaller tests with Vault's import and labels anyway.)

Well my import reported 52867 errors when I arrived this morning.

The majority of the errors seemed to be:
Server unavailable for transaction end
Transaction failed
Transaction failed
Server unavailable for transaction end
Transaction failed
Transaction failed

Some paging up from the bottom of the error list eventually let me find:

Upload for item $/trunk/mpl/msmpl/src/mplvisitor.h failed too many times, aborting transaction.
Please verify your network settings using the Options dialog under the Tools menu in the Vault GUI Client.
The specific error was "The server had an error processing the file upload but did not return an error header."

I've installed MSDE and Vault on the same computer as the restored VSS database I was importing.

I guess what I'm trying to find out by posting this is:
1. How reliable is my import?
2. If I'm going to keep this import, how do I sift through the 52000 errors to identify files that didn't import correctly?
3. If I'm not going to keep this import (I can go and obliterate the whole thing and try again) what do I change so that these errors don't occur next time? Actually I'd like to know this for the next import in any case.

I'm doing this on a dual 1800 processor machine w/ 512MB of RAM (and about 2.5G of virtual pagefile memory) running Windows XPsp1.

Mike Lippert

Posts: 252
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Location: Cambridge, MA

Other findings I'd like to have known before starting

Post by mlippert » Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:10 am

I started the import of the other half of our SourceSafe database last night just to see how it would go.

When I got in this morning, Windows was telling me that my C: drive was running low on space. The C: drive is where I've installed Windows and all applications and is where the Documents and Settings folder is. However, I had installed MSDE and the VaultService on a new 32G drive which is my E: drive. (The SourceSafe DB that I am importing is on a 3rd disk, which is my D: drive)

I located where the space on my C: was being used. It was my user profile's Local Settings/Temp folder which when I just looked at it had 62,314 files in it. Most named like tmpHHHH.tmp, where HHHH is 4 hex digits. I'm not sure who is creating these files, although I am fairly certain it is due to the Import process, and at this rate they're going to run out of file names soon.

The import is still running (I freed up some space on the C: drive, so there is now 3G free, up from the 11M when I arrived).

I've also noticed that the Import process seems to be "Reestablishing Vault Connection" a lot. I don't know whether that is indicative of a problem or not.

Mike Lippert

-- Update: This 2nd import ended around 2pm est, and reported 75601 errors, mostly Transaction failed, Server unavailable for transaction end like the 1st import. (I'm going to do the test Jeremy (below) requested and email him.)
Last edited by mlippert on Thu Oct 07, 2004 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by jeremy_sg » Thu Oct 07, 2004 11:23 am


Before you continue with your import, you should verify that you can successfully add a file using the GUI client. It seems likely that something is going wrong and it would be helpful to know if the problem is Vault configuration, or with the VSS data. As of right now, I suspect that the Vault configuration needs to be tweaked to work with your system.

You can email me using the button below this post, and I will contact you for more information.

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