Problems with SOS 3.5.3 and RoboHelpX5

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Problems with SOS 3.5.3 and RoboHelpX5

Post by Zexston » Wed Oct 06, 2004 9:46 am

From what I've read, RoboHelpX5 should support integration with SOS. It seems to work fine with MS VSS locally.

RoboHelp support says it supports any version control software that uses the MS .dll for version control.

RoboHelpX5 integrates SOS in to itself, but does not seem to operate completely.

When trying to add a project, it flashes 2 messages (so fast I can't read them) and seems to complete, but does not.

When trying to open a project from version control, RoboHelpX5 crashes to desktop.

Are these two programs really compatable, or do I have something set up wrong? Are there any known problems with using SOS and MS VSS on the same PC? Do I need to upgrade SOS?

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Post by lbauer » Thu Oct 07, 2004 2:47 pm

SOS doesn't support integration with RoboHelp.

The Integration API provided by Microsoft is common across all IDE's
but is not being implemented in a similar manner. The sequence of calls may be different, for instance.

We are only able to support integration with products we've fully tested.

SOS does support integration with VS.NET, Visual C++ and Visual Basic 6.

Of course, you can always use the SourceOffSite stand alone client
for source control functions while simultaneously using your IDE of
choice for development.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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