Limit in databases list size?

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Limit in databases list size?

Post by » Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:47 am

Are there limits in the number of databases that one can add in the list in SOS 3.5.3?
Or is a limit in the number of character in the entire list?
The problem is: we worked for months with about 10 databases and all was ok. Recently we added some other databases and the clients failed to connect.
Deleting a number of databases all is ok.
So, any suggestion?

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Post by lbauer » Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:05 pm

We have customers with 20+ databases. How many databases do you have configured? What is the longest database path?

Does the log.txt file in the SOS Server directory show any error messages regarding the databases?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Post by » Thu Sep 30, 2004 2:25 am

We made some tests, even using the demo version of 4.0.2, but we got the same results.
The problem is the sum of the lengths of the databases' paths.
The client works with 14 databases with length 86 chars, adding the 15th the client crashes.
In the server log these messages appear:

9/30/2004 9:38:52 AM - Connection accepted from on local address, session id is 1.
9/30/2004 9:38:53 AM - 1: Exception processing messages: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

You can find attached the complete log.txt

Thanks for help

Roberto Granato
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Post by lbauer » Fri Oct 01, 2004 2:48 pm

There is a limit what how much data fits into a single header, so your database paths may be too much for SOS.

Are you using Aliases? Make sure your aliases are short.

Is it possible to rename some of the folders in the path to the srscafe.ini file to make them shorter? For instance:

"SourceOffSite Prova della versione 4\Copy (11) of VSS DB Commessa vuoto" could be "SOS 4\VSS DB (11)
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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