windiff compare problems

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windiff compare problems

Post by tzpmrz » Mon Sep 13, 2004 1:55 pm

I am attempting to compare versions via SourceOffSite, it's usinjg windiff to compare the files.

Windiff never seems to find the temporary file that SourceOffSite is creating, the screen is blank and when I select edit the sos temp file it says it's not there ( and it is there ).

How can I compare versions using sourceoffsite?

classic version 4.0.2 ( prof client ).

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Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Mon Sep 13, 2004 2:37 pm

By default, SOS 4.0 uses SGDM.exe (SourceGear Diff/Merge). It should be in your SOS 4.0 client directory. Try configuring SGDM as your diff utility and see if that works. It would be easier to troubleshoot than problems with WinDiff, which is not our product.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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