Invalid DOS Path on DB or user creation

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Invalid DOS Path on DB or user creation

Post by nrobinson » Wed Sep 01, 2004 12:22 pm

I've been using SOS for about 3 years. When we first installed it on our Win2K server, we had an issue in which the local version of the VSS Admin software became unable to create new users. It would come up with the error "Invalid DOS path" for the user path. However, other machines on the LAN could still successfully runt he Admin software, o we let it go. Recently, for the frist time in months, I tried to create a new VSS user. Same error. I tried to creat a new VSS database. Same eror. So, I backed up the whole database AND archived various project; unisntalled VSS and SOS,did a bunch of system maintenance and put back VSS. In a nice new database, everything worked flawlessly. Brought my database back up and reinstalled SOS. Again, I cannot create new users. It certianly SEEMS to have soemthign to do with SOS, but I have no certainty about that. I am goign back to square one (uninstlal everything) and take ti step by step, testing EVERYTHING every time, but jsut in case, I'd liekt o see if this error has cropepd up before.

== Nicky Robinson

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Post by lbauer » Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:13 pm

SOS shouldn't affect your VSS Admin operations.

See if this link helps: ... a08&rnum=1
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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