Branching with Vault Client command line utility (vault.exe)

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Branching with Vault Client command line utility (vault.exe)

Post by jooky » Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:48 am

We use SourceGear Vault for our code repository. One of the things I just discovered was the vault command line API. So far, I have been able to use the command line to list files, delete folders, and get latest from an entire branch. However, when I try to do an actual branch from one folder to another, the command line utility appears to hang. Here's what I am doing, sensitive info omitted, of course:

Code: Select all

vault branch -host servername -user myun -password mypw -repository "Repository Name" -commit "$/pathtofolder1/" "$/pathtofolder2/"
I end up having to hitting CTRL+break to stop it after several minutes. When I do a branch through the client, however, it only takes a few seconds.

Oddly, I am able to do a branch on a small, test folder from the command line and it branches just fine.

Could it have to do with the enormous size of the folder that I am really trying to branch? The folder contains several solutions which cumulatively hold 500,000+ lines of code and ASP.NET markup. Is there some other command line option I need to use to speed up the process?

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Re: Branching with Vault Client command line utility (vault.

Post by lbauer » Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:09 am

We need more information about what's going on. Sometimes doing a large branch can cause a timeout in SQL Server.

We'd like you to enable client-side logging, reproduce the error, then send us copies of the commandline client log and Server log.

The Vault Server log is called sgvault.log and is in %windir%\temp\sgvault on the server machine.

To create a Commandline Client log, copy VaultGUIClient.exe.config from the Vault client directory to create vault.exe.config in the Vault client directory, usually C:\Program Files\SourceGear\Vault Client.

Details here:

Send the logs zipped up to support at, Attn: Linda. Please include a link to this forum post.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Re: Branching with Vault Client command line utility (vault.

Post by jooky » Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:22 am

Thank you for the fast reply. However, this problem seems to have mysteriously fixed itself. I have spent several hours with this between today and yesterday trying to figure it out, but now, after copying that file from the Vault program folder into the folder containing the command line utility, that huge folder branches quickly and successfully. I will add that I recently rebooted my local machine (not the Vault server machine), so perhaps the reboot fixed it and it's purely coincidental with the copying of that file.

Feel free to delete this post if I ended up stirring up unnecessary smoke, but I do thank you again for the fast response.

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Re: Branching with Vault Client command line utility (vault.

Post by lbauer » Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:22 pm

Copying the file probably didn't make a difference. It could be that rebooting the machine released memory or did something magical. Let us know if you run into this again.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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