Check-in fails changes in working folder but not in solution

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Check-in fails changes in working folder but not in solution

Post by radarjr » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:53 am

I have the exact problem in Fortress 2.0.3 using the Enhanced Client, as posted for Vault here: ... 44&t=11683

There was no solution posted.

If I have a solution (VS2008 or VS2010) checked out due to previous editions, and I add a new file, then delete that file, and attempt check-in, it will always fail unless I uncheck the checkbox at "Changes in working folder but not in solution". It then remains throughout the life of the project. I'd like to get rid of this problem. It's been following me around for a couple of years in two projects.

In the referenced forum post, it was indicated to have been taken offline. Please help me clear this issue.


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Re: Check-in fails changes in working folder but not in solu

Post by Beth » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:48 pm

Try an Undo Checkout, but when the window for what to do with the file comes up, try selecting the option to Leave the file as is. Since it's not present, you don't want Vault to go looking for it.

If that doesn't work, then you will want to clear the part of your cache that contains the add. Information about the cache can be found at these links:
Client Side Cache
Clear Client Side Cache

You will want to close all instances of Vault and then rename the file CacheMember_ChangeSetItems.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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