Suggestion: Prevent check-in if VS.NET has Errors

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Suggestion: Prevent check-in if VS.NET has Errors

Post by neal007 » Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:11 pm


No one wants a developer to check-in code that won't compile. I was thinking...for your VS.NET integration is there a way you can determine if VS.NET has Errors listed in the Error window (not warnings or comments)? If so you could flag a message "Are you sure you want to check-in with errors present?" or something to that effect? Obviously it would be an option we could set as Vault admins to disallow check-ins when errors exist.

Just a thought...
Neal Culiner
NC Software, Inc.

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Re: Suggestion: Prevent check-in if VS.NET has Errors

Post by Beth » Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:57 am

I don't if there is a way or not to perform that check, but it certainly sounds like a good idea. I've entered a feature request. Thank you for your feedback.

F: 15522
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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